david eells teaching on 1 peter 12 9

What Does It Mean To Be A Royal Priesthood? 1 Peter 2 9, Part 1, David Eells, UBM

What Does It Mean To Be A Royal Priesthood? 1 Peter 2 9, Part 2, David Eells, UBM

How are Christians a Chosen Generation? 1 Peter 2:9. (#138)

The Carnal Mind Is Death? David Eells, UBM

Seeing As God Sees! Putting To Death The Carnal Senses! David Eells, UBM

One Woman's Testimony Of How She Found the True God Of the Bible - David Eells, UBM

How Do I Know I Am Walking In The Spirit? Confess The Promises Of God! David Eells, UBM

Is It God's Will To Heal All That Are Sick? - David Eells, UBM

How To Make Our Calling And Election Sure! A Call To Discipleship! David Eells, UBM

What Does The Bible Say About Perfect? Bearing Fruit Unto Perfection, David Eells, UBM

Isaiah 9 6 | Was Jesus the Father or the Father of Eternity? Is There Such a Thing as the Trinity?

Are You A Son Or A Servant Of God? - David Eells, UBM

Learning Love Through Suffering! Suffering Delivers From Lusts Of The Flesh! David Eells, UBM

How to Discern if a Prophetic Word is From God, David Eells - UBM

Psalm 90 12 | Number Your Days to Get a Heart of Wisdom, The End Time Seed of David, Part:2 - UBM

Does God Heal by Faith or Medicine? By Faith We Are Made Whole!

Is It A Sin To Defend Your Country? Dominion Through Submission To God! David Eells, UBM

How Do We Know Gods Will To Heal? Faith For Healing | David Eells, UBM

The Church Today is a One Man Show! Whatever Happened to the Five-Fold Ministry? UBM, David Eells

Do Your Thoughts Agree With the Mind of Christ? David Eells, UBM

False Prophets--by their fruits you will know them!

Are You Able To Stand Boldly When Judgments Come? Part 1 - David Eells, UBM

Are You Believing Only In the Word Of God For Your Healing? - David Eells, UBM

Putting God's Economy To Work In Your Life! David Eells, UBM